Proceedings of the 1992 National Waste Processing Conference
(Fifteenth Biennial Conference)
(CD or hard copy can be purchased from ASME Publications)
The Place of the Trommel in Resource Recovery Sullivan, J.W.; Hill, R.M.; Sullivan, J.F.
Vibrating Process Equipment for Resource Recovery Musschoot, A.; Sherman, R.; Guptail, W.
Solid Waste Front-End Processing with Mass-Burn Incineration to Recover Recyclable Material Mahlum, W.M.; Chattopadhyay, A.
Compost Site Design Model: A Computer-Aided Tool for Efficient Siting Lindeberg, J.D.; Drew, S.L.; Derosia, C.
Bio-Waste Composting Facility at the Waste Authority of S.O.W., Hoorn/Netherlands Schutte, T.; Goggel, B.; Maire, U.
Solid Waste Composting in New York Wagner, M.
Managing Tube Metal Wastage in RDF-Fired Boilers at ELK River Station Steinbeck, T.P.
Rebuilding the RDF-Fired Steam Generators at Metro Dade County, Florida Zill, W.M.; Meehan, P.J.
Annual Snapshot of Six Large Scale RDF Projects Davis, C.F.
The Use of Selected Waste Products for The Reclamation of Existing MSW Landfill Sites Chesner, W.H.; Welsh, J.P.
Processing of Material Mined from Landfills Stessel, R.I.; Murphy, R.J.
Compost Site Design for a Closed Sanitary Landfill Dakes, G.
Long Term HHV Determination of Municipal Solid Waste – A Practical Approach Semanyshyn, Z.; Deduck, S.G.
Study of a MSW Incenerator: Overall Operation and On-Site Measurments Over the Grate Dos Santos, A.M.; Collin, R.
Development of Good Combustion Practice for Municipal Waste Combustors Kilgroe, J.D.; Lanier, S.W.; Von Alten, T.R.
RDF – Materials Recovery and Utilization: an Integrated Approach Boley, G.L.; Hartman, R.M.; Plimley, A.L.; Smith, M.L.
The Design and Operation of an Ash Treatment System at the Commerce Refuse to Energy Facility Wheless, E.; Thalenberg, S.
An Evaluation of the Determination of Putrescible Matter in the Ash Residue of A MSW Combustor Gesell, G.H.; Hamlyn, F.A.
Asotin County, Washington – A Small County Can Make Integrated Waste Management Work Speed, N.A.; Weaver, R.L.
Graphical Integrated Waste Management Model for Puerto Rico Vigil, S.A.; Theisen, H.M.
What to do When Your Incinerator Gets Shut Down: Socrra’s Approach Czuprenski, M.A.
Development of an Automated Color Sorting System for Recyclable Glass Containers Lewis, M.R.; Newell, T.A.
Applying Machine Learning to the Sorting of Recyclable Containers Tarbell, K.A.; Tcheng, D.K.; Lewis, M.R.; Newell, T.A.
Time and Motion Analyses of Manual Sorting Procedures at Materials Recovery Facilities Jones, M.D.
Evaluation of Composting Feasibility for Regional Implementation Lang, M.E.; Jager, R.A.
Co-Composting Municipal Solid Waste: Economic Analysis for Cost-Effective Processing and Marketing Lai, T.; Strasma, J.
Sludge and Yard Waste Co-Composting: In-Vessel System Development Brown, D.S.
Technical and Regulatory Challenges of Acid Gas Scrubber Retrofits Hepp, M.P.; Raymond, D.L.
Dry Flue Gas Cleaning Processes for Achieving Air Pollutant Emissions Requirements Brna, T.G.
Estimating Stack Gas Emission Rates Rigo, H.G.
Applying Landfill Gas to Commercial Greenhouse Operations Bond, B.C.; Quinn, J.
Palos Verdes Landfill Gas to Energy Facility Cosulich, J.; Ahmed, S.; Stahl, J.F.
Automated Separation of Commingled Plastic Containers Kenny, G.R.; Morgan, D.R.; Stephens, A.H.
Evaluating the Mechanical Properties of Commingled Waste Plastics: A Mixture Study Monfore, M.D.; Morgan, R.L.; Engelmann, P.V.
Recycling Post-Consumer Polystyrene: Economics, Markets and Technology Nevers, E.; Strasma, J.
Development of an MSW Ash Melting System of Low Running Cost Inoue, S.; Hagihara, H.; Fukusaki, M.
New Metal Recovery Systems for Mass Burn Incinerators and WTE Facilities Alam, M.; Challis, M.D.
Impact of The Recession and Recycling on Solid Waste Processing Facilities in New England Bilmes, J.S.
The Environmental and Health Impact of Waste Combustion – The Rush to Judgement Versus Getting The Facts First Hasselriis, F.
Development of Solid Waste Management Courses at the Undergraduate and Graduate Lavel Vigil, S.A.; Tchobanoglous, G.
Recycling Plans in Japan and the Operational Summary Nakazato, K.; Inoue, S.; Hamano, T.
A Comparison of Intermediate Processing Center Reference Designs and Costs Mathews, J.A.; Forbes, T.C.
Material Recovery Design of Ocean County, New Jersey Romeo, E.J.
Potential for Composting Residue Generated from Refuse Derived Fuel Preparation Kosstrin, H.M.; Croteau, G.; Gould, M.
Compost Markets Healey, W.P.; Mehrenberg, D.S.
Bioremediation Using Composting Williams, R.T.; Keehan, K.R.
Controlling the Cost of Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal Ridgway, J.W.
Waste Tire Co-Firing for Increased Winter Steam Production in Harford County Resource Recovery Facility Feindler, K.S.
Effect of Waste Composition and Charging Cycle on Combustion Efficiency of Medical and Other Solid Waste Combustors Hasseldiis, F.
Pollution Prevntion and Institutional Incineration Green, A.; Wagner, J.; Saltiel, C.; Jackson, M.