Natali Ganfer: Recovering Energy From Waste; Part A: MSW Management in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina and Potential for a Waste-To-Energy Plant; Part B: Upgrading Low BTU Fuels to Reduce Emissions in Internal Combustion Engines

By Natali Ganfer

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2020-10-14T12:49:38-04:00August 3rd, 2011|2011, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|

María Gaviota Velasco Pérez Alonso: Generation and Disposition of MSW in Mexico and Potential for Improving Waste Management in Toluca Municipality

By María Gaviota Velasco Pérez Alonso

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2020-10-14T12:51:22-04:00January 3rd, 2011|2011, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|

Yohann Benhamou: Comparison of Environmental Performance of Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Plants in France with Denmark and Germany

By Yohann Benhamou

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2020-10-14T12:52:58-04:00November 3rd, 2010|2010, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|

The State of Garbage in America

The 17th Nationwide Survey of MSW Management in the U.S.
A joint study by BioCycle Magazine and the Earth Engineering Center of Columbia University

Latest national data on municipal solid waste management find estimated generation is 389.5 million tons in 2008 — 69 percent landfilled, 24 percent recycled and composted, and 7 percent combusted via waste-to-energy.

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2017-12-08T12:08:15-05:00October 8th, 2010|EEC Publication, Publications, WtERT - USA|

M.S. Thesis: A Study on Performance and Emissions of a 4-stroke IC Engine Operating on Landfill Gas with the Addition of H2, CO and Syngas

By Jechan Lee

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2020-10-14T13:03:57-04:00February 3rd, 2010|2010, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|

M.S. Thesis: Ultrafine Particle Emissions: Comparison of Waste‐to‐Energy With Coal‐ and Biomass‐Fired Power Plants

By Lital Yinon

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2020-10-14T13:05:23-04:00January 3rd, 2010|2010, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|
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