M.S. Thesis: Potential for Combined Heat and Power and District Heating and Cooling from Waste-to-Energy Facilities in the U.S. – Learning from the Danish Experience

By Priscilla Ulloa

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2020-10-14T13:25:47-04:00May 3rd, 2007|2007, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|

M.S. Thesis: Management of Municipal Solid Wastes in Attica Region of Greece, and Potential for Waste-to-Energy

By Georgia Columbus

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2020-10-14T13:27:19-04:00November 3rd, 2006|2006, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|

Development of Thermal Sprayed Layers for High Temperature Areas in Waste Incineration Plants

by D. Bendix, G. Tegeder, P. Crimmann, J. Metschke, M. Faulstich WTERT-Germany October 2006

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2017-12-08T12:09:35-05:00October 8th, 2006|EEC Publication, Publications, WtERT - Germany|

Municipal Solid Waste Management in Italy

Italy is a European country with population of 58.5 million. It is divided into 20 regions that can be aggregated in three macro-geographical areas (North, Center and South). The generation of municipal solid wastes (MSW) in Italy in 2004 was 31.1 million metric tones. The source - separated collection of recyclables and compostables was 22.7% of the total MSW production. However, the situation is very different between the macro-geographical areas of Italy: the North has reached a value of 35.5%, the Center 18.3% and the South 8.1%.

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2017-12-09T13:36:13-05:00September 9th, 2006|EEC Publication, Publications|

Methane Generation in Landfills

Methane gas is a by-product of landfilling municipal solid wastes (MSW). Most of the global MSW is dumped in non-regulated landfills and the generated methane is emitted to the atmosphere. Some of the modern regulated landfills attempt to capture and utilize landfill biogas, a renewable energy source, to generate electricity or heat. As of 2001, there were about one thousand landfills collecting landfill biogas worldwide.

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2017-12-09T13:42:13-05:00August 2nd, 2006|EEC Publication, Publications|

M.S. Thesis: Incineration, Waste-to-energy and Catalytic Gasification: the Past, Present and Future of Medical Waste Management

By Kimberly Llewellyn

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2020-10-14T13:31:39-04:00May 3rd, 2006|2006, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|

Capture and Utilization of Landfill Gas

Renewable Energy, 2005
by Professor N.J. Themelis and Priscilla Ulloa
What is the potential for additional utilisation of landfill gas in the USA and around the world?

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2024-01-14T00:03:16-05:00December 9th, 2005|EEC Publication, Publications|
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