Shahnoza Boboeva: Current State of Waste Management in Tajikistan and Potential for a Waste-to-Energy Plant in Khujand City

By Shahnoza Boboeva

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2023-02-01T14:24:58-05:00April 30th, 2015|2015, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|

Andres Estrada Wiechers: Pre-feasibility Study of Using the Circulating Fluid Bed (CFB) Waste-to-Energy Technology in Mexico City

By Andres Estrada Wiechers

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2023-02-01T14:30:42-05:00January 30th, 2015|2015, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|

Jay M. Thrasher: Sources and Pathways of Dioxins to Humans – Diminished Contribution of Modern WTE Facilities

By Jay M. Thrasher

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2020-10-14T11:13:33-04:00November 30th, 2014|2014, Masters, Theses, WtERT - USA|
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