Welcome to the World WtERT Congress, the global gathering of all members of Global Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WtERT). We appreciate your participation and contributions to this event that will take place at the campus of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China!
It is our great pleasure to bring you all together, members of WtERT family from around the globe, leading companies, and professional associations from Europe, USA and China to identify and advance the best available technologies for the recovery of energy and materials from residual non-recyclables wastes.
According to current GHG inventories, landfills are the third largest source of anthropogenic methane globally and account for approximately 11 percent of estimated global methane emissions. Addressing methane is critically important to combating climate change. Over a 20-year period, methane is 80 times as potent as carbon dioxide and is the 2nd largest driver of anthropogenic climate change. According to the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), “cutting methane is the strongest lever we have to slow climate change over the next 25 years”. In the near-term, reducing emissions of Short Lived Climate Pollutants like methane is more effective than reducing CO2.
Following those facts, WtERT can play a crucial role in addressing and developing effective responses by collecting, sharing knowledge and fostering a strong global commitment to divert waste from landfills, especially by bringing together USA and China to work together with other countries. Communities and policymakers can learn more about how Methane emissions will affect them, what they can do to divert residual non-recyclable wastes from landfills to mitigate, and reduce their climate footprint.
The time to act is now. Every year we delay placing a strong focus on the diversion of wastes from landfills, we add to a growing burden of methane emissions to the atmosphere, and a growing burden to our children.
We hope to meet you all at Hangzhou to learn and collaborate together to advance our common goal and continue the legacy of WtERT on global stage.
Yours sincerely,
About the Organizers
Founded in 2002, the Global Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council, WtERT®, is the foremost Non-for-Profit research association on Waste-to-Energy (WtE) worldwide, founded by the Earth Engineering Center of Columbia University, It bring together engineers and scientists from industry, government and Universities from 26 countries across the globe to collaborate together to advance both the economic and environmental performance of Waste-to-Energy technologies and disseminate all research and findings to the general public.
Zhejiang University (ZJU) is one of China’s top higher education institutions, as well as one of its oldest. Located in Hangzhou. The University prides itself on a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. ZJU is also renowned for the number of business start-ups it spins off.
ZJU is a research powerhouse with 10 state key laboratories and 11 state engineering laboratories / centers. The University has set up over 40 international joint labs / centers with private and public sectors.
Reda Kabbaj
VP International Relations, WtERT
WtERT Singapore | Nanyang Technological University
WtERT Emirates | University of Sharjah
WtERT Russia | RUDN University
WtERT Germany
WtERT Colombia
Founder WtERT
President WtERT | Vice-dean, College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
WtERT Japan | Kyoto University
WtERT Jordan | Jordan university of science and technology
WtERT Thailand | Kasetsart University
WtERT Brazil | ABREN
WtERT USA | Columbia University
WtERT Korea | Yonsei University
Daniel Sindicic
WtERT Brazil | ABREN – Group Lara
Saida Tayibi
WtERT Morocco | UM6P
WtERT Türkiye | Bursa Technical University
Congress proceedings
Please find below the program agenda of the congress, including the schedule of talks, list of speakers, activities and events.
Find out the recap of the congress with key points, takeaways and conclusion.
Mohamed Abdallah – WtERT Emirates, Sharjah University | Strategic Assessment and Optimization of Waste to Energy Projects
Arun Sawant – WtERT India | Opportunities for Waste Management Business in India
Daniel Sindicic – WtERT Brasil, LARA Group | Case : project of Maua Waste-to-Energy combining biogas
Saida Tayibi – WtERT Morocco, UM6P |Waste to Energy: Challenges, Opportunities and Research
Ella Stengler – CEWEP (The Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants) | WtE in Europe: New trends in climate policies
Stefano Consonni – WtERT Italia, Politecnico di Milano | The MatER Study Center: activities and recent projects
WtERT Congress – 1st AM session
WtERT Congress – 2nd AM session
WtERT Congress – 1st PM session
WtERT Congress – 2nd PM session
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Your donation support enables WtERT association to continue its important mission for nearly 30 years to fund, publish, and distribute in-depth, high quality, independent scientific research regarding the role of Waste-to-Energy technologies in the circular economy society as an essential infrastructure to mitigate climate change for the ultimate benefit of society, the scientific community and industries.
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