Lin Ao: Carbon Mitigation Cost of WTE and Comparison with Other Waste Management Methods
By Lin Ao
Download Thesis (pdf)Links to seven masters theses in the Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering.
Cross-Asia meeting co-organized and chaired by Prof. Nickolas Themelis, Director of of Earth Engineering Center in Nanjing, China on April 25-28. 2017.
Read Full ArticleIn this lecture, Dr. Athanasios Bourtsalas, Adjunct Professor at the Earth and Environmental Engineering Department, Columbia University and and Manager of the Earth Engineering Centre-Columbia (WTERT-US), presents research findings on the level of municipal solid waste management achieved by different countries.
The harm resulting from Trump’s environmental deregulation spree will do business more harm than good; leaders need to show Trump that they do not support this, says Business and Sustainable Development Commission chair Mark Malloch Brown.
Read Full ArticleProf. Kostas Aravossis, head of WTERT-Greece and others on Feb. 22 organized a festive event in Athens that brought together members of the Greek Solid Waste Management Company (EEDSA); Greek Association of Environmental Protection (PASEPPE); and Waste to Energy Research Council (SYNERGY).