On September 26, 2018, Prof. Themelis of GWC made a presentation to UN-visiting 1st  Lady of Turkey and to Minister of the Environment, Prof. Birpinar, regarding the potential and benefits of WTE, for Turkey. The good news is that a one-million ton WTE plant is scheduled to start operation in Istanbul later this year.

Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plant in Istanbul (by Prof.Dr. Samet Oturk, Bursa Technical University; Chair of WtERT-Turkey)

A waste to energy (WTE) plant is under construction since 2018 in Istanbul, a metropolitan city of about 16 million people. The project was funded by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and will cost around 300M Euros [1]. The WtE plant, which is expected to be start operation in 2021, will be the biggest WtE plant in Europe and the first of its kind in Turkey. The plant will have a capacity of 3000 tons per day (15% of Municipal Solid Waste of Istanbul; 1 million tons per year) and 77 MW power capacity [2]. This corresponds to electricity production for 1.4 million of Istanbul residences and the reduction of 1.4 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year [2].

Figure 1. The WtE Plant design photograph [2]

Figure 2. WtE plant in Istanbul, under construction [2]


  1. https://atikyonetimi.ibb.gov.tr/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/iBB_ATIK_YAKMA_TESiSi_cED_RAPORU.pdf
  2. https://atikyonetimi.ibb.istanbul/atik-yakma-ve-enerji-uretim-tesisi/

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