M.S. Thesis: Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Waste to Energy Plant for Montevideo; and Waste to Energy in Small Islands

By María Elena Díaz Barriga Rodríguez

Advisor: Professor Nickolas J. Themelis

Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering
Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science
Columbia University

October 2011

This thesis consists of two parts. The first is a cost-benefit analysis by the author of a waste to energy (WTE) plant in Montevideo, Uruguay; the second part is a description of WTE projects in various islands, some of which have succeeded and some are in various phases of implementation.

Part 1: Cost-Benefit Analysis of a WTE Plant for Montevideo
In May-September 2011, the Earth Engineering Center of Columbia University investigated the waste management system of Montevideo, Uruguay. The first part of this thesis describes the contribution of the author to this study. The results of this study showed that building a WTE plant in Montevideo would help the city and Uruguay advance in sustainable waste management, as Montevideo has a fairly good waste management system that can warrantee the daily delivery of certain amount of wastes to the WTE plant.

Part 2: Waste-to-energy in small Islands
Rapid economic development and also population growth of urban centers in developing island nations have resulted in the generation of large amounts of MSW that in the past were dumped at uninhabited areas indiscriminately. Also, islands have very limited space for new, sanitary landfills.

This study examined islands where WTE has been implemented successfully (Bermuda, Martinique, St. Barth) and others (Jamaica, Mauritius, Rhodes) where WTE has been considered and is in various stages of implementation.

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