The V Pan American Conference on Thermal Utilization and Valuation of Solid Waste (Waste-to-Energy), organized by WtERT Colombia-Sociedad Antioqueña de Ingenieros y Arquitectos – SAI, took place from July 10 to 12, with both virtual and face-to-face sessions. The event featured speakers from various sectors, including industry, banks and policy makers, who discussed the latest advances in Waste to Energy (WtE) technology.

The conference aims to be a platform for knowledge transfer to municipalities, government agencies, landfill operators, sanitation service providers and power generation companies, companies, people, social and environmental groups. and other entities interested in learning about alternatives to solve the major problem of solid waste disposal in Latin America.

During the virtual seminar and in-person panels, leading experts shared the latest advances and trends in waste-to-energy technologies, including WtERT members from Brazil, China, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Paraguay and Colombia.

See the program with agenda including speaker presentation titles: Download program

The presentations are now available on YouTube in both English and Spanish, accessible through the link below:
July 10: Link of the conference 1st day
July 11: Link of the conference 2nd day