Sustainable investment in waste management (from EU)

Have a look at the attached letter with which GWC agrees wholeheartedly. For several years, I have been telling EU colleagues that they should do everything in their power, so the word “Incineration” is not used by EU, EC etc. broadly to include waste to energy (WTE) plants . There are million of tons of wastes “incinerated” intentionally in waste dumps and also in spontaneous fires in landfills, etc. etc. In the U.S, in 2018 52% of the deceased were incinerated in crematoria. It makes as much sense for WTE plants to be called incinerators as for sanitary landfills to be called “waste dumps”. Your objections in the attached document are sensible but the continuing confusion can only be avoided when people stop calling waste-fired power plants “incinerators”. By the way, it has happened in the U.S. where only enemies of WTE use the “i” word.

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