Prof. Themelis responds to a reporter’s question on the contribution of the Sierra Club to landfilling in the U.S:

Sierra Club supports many worthwhile causes but, regrettably, for nearly thirty years they have opposed consistently waste-to-energy power plants that use as fuel municipal solid wastes and generate electricity and heat.

As a result of Sierra’s “environmental” efforts, the U.S. landfills 90% of its post-recycling wastes. In contrast to the U.S., Germany. Denmark, Netherlands, Japan, etc. etc. landfill 0% of their post-recycling wastes.

According to the most recent study by Columbia University. thanks to Sierra Club the U.S. landfills 316 million tons of solid wastes every year, using about 200,000,000 square feet of virgin land and emitting 5.2% of the US greenhouse gas emissions, due to landfill methane. All of this has been documented and is available to the public on the web for free.

Please click on the link to this study.

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