2008 WtERT Conference

October 16-17, 2008, Columbia University, New York, NY

On October 16-17, the Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WtERT) hosted its 2008 Bi-Annual Meeting at Columbia University in the City of New York. There were over 120 participants from 14 countries, 19 presentations, and 16 posters in the meeting. The WtERT 2008 Industry Award was presented to Covanta Energy for their development of the LN® and VLN® NOx reduction processes. The WtERT 2008 Outstanding Contribution Award was presented to Mr. Artie Cole of Wheelabrator Technologies for his many technical contributions to the WTE technology over three decades.

WtERT greatly appreciates all the speakers and participants for their contribution to the 2008 Bi-Annual Meeting.




WtERT 2008 Industry Award

Covanta EnergyTo Covanta Energy for their development of the LN® and VLN® NOx reduction processes

The WtERT 2008 Industry Award recognized a very significant and firstly-implemented advance to the grate combustion (“mass burn”) WTE process. Nominations included advanced combustion control systems, oxygen enrichment and significant improvements in boiler-turbine thermal efficiency, novel NOx reduction systems, and an advanced system for injecting wastewater sludge into a WTE. Mr. Steve Goff, V.P. of Technology Development, Covanta Energy received the award on behalf of his company.


WtERT 2008 Outstanding Contribution Award

WheelabratorTo Mr. Artie Cole of Wheelabrator Technologies for his many technical contributions to the WTE technology over three decades.

The WtERT 2008 Outstanding Contribution Award sought nominations of individuals who as researchers, inventors, policy makers, or industrialists have made an outstanding contribution to advancing the recovery of energy from municipal solid wastes in a nation or region.



The sponsorship of the following organizations is gratefully acknowledged: