
Interview of Prof. Nickolas Themelis with NBC reporter working on MSW gasification project

Municipal (MSW) and other solid wastes contain carbon and hydrogen which, when reacted with oxygen. produce heat. This can be done 1) by controlled combustion of the wastes and using the heat of combustion for generating electricity or for heating. 2) By gasification, whereby partial combustion plus external heating (electricity or fossil fuel) are used to produce a "syngas", [...]

News from our partners in Chile

WtERT-Chile ( contributed to the report  Rojas M., P. Aldunce, L. Farías, H. González, P. Marquet, J. C. Muñoz, R. Palma-Behnke, A. Stehr y S. Vicuña (editores) (2019). Evidencia científica y cambio climático en Chile: Resumen para tomadores de decisiones. Santiago: Comité Científico COP25; Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación. . This report was submitted by a large group of Chilean scientists to Chile's Ministry of Science [...]

Call for Papers in Special Issue entitled “Advances in Industrial Waste Reduction”

"A call for Papers in Special Issue of Applied Sciences, titled "Advances in Industrial Waste Reduction" by Prof. Psomopoulos of WtERT-Greece". Dear Colleagues, I would like to draw your attention to Special Issue "Advances in Industrial Waste Reduction" to be published in the open-access journal MDPI Applied Sciences IF 2.217, see: As you have published many interesting papers related to this [...]

Montreal Gazette: Waste-to-Energy Can Help with Waste Crisis

WTE for Montreal: Montreal Gazette: Waste-to-Energy Can Help with Waste Crisis In an opinion piece for the Montreal Gazette, one of the largest papers in Montreal by circulation, the paper argues that municipalities should consider waste-to-energy as a more efficient method of dealing with waste. With increasing consumption and the straining of recycling systems, waste-to-energy is capable of dealing with [...]

Sept. 13. 2019: Australian Trade Association Calls for Waste-to-Energy

Sept. 13. 2019: Australian Trade Association Calls for Waste-to-Energy The Australian Industrial Ecology Network (AIEN) is urging state governments and other stakeholders to advance WTE facilities to further develop a circular economy. In a recent report, the association argues that WTE permitting should be streamlined and unified to create a consistent policy framework. WTE is seen as a key [...]

Reaching out for story on EPA incinerator court dispute

Prof. Themelis responds to a reporter's question on the contribution of the Sierra Club to landfilling in the U.S: Sierra Club supports many worthwhile causes but, regrettably, for nearly thirty years they have opposed consistently waste-to-energy power plants that use as fuel municipal solid wastes and generate electricity and heat. As a result of Sierra's "environmental" efforts, the U.S. [...]

NAS Report: Environmental Engineering for the 21st Century: Addressing Grand Challenges

Question by Prof. Themelis regarding U.S. National Academies Study: "Environmental Engineering for the 21st Century: Addressing Grand Challenges". Dear National Academies, I received a complimentary copy of the above study by the NA. It is a well written and illustrated report by a committee comprised  of well known environmental faculty like Profs. Domenico Grasso of Michigan and Julie Zimmerman of Yale. [...]

Covanta returns to China with 396,000 ton WTE that is projected to cost only US$100 million

Covanta Energy Announces Concession Agreement to Build New WTE Facility in Zhao County, China Covanta signed a concession agreement with Zhao County, China, for the construction and operation of a new WTE facility for the county and nearby jurisdictions about 200 miles south of Beijing. Covanta will partner with a local organization on the project. The plant signals Covanta’s [...]

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