WTE for Montreal: Montreal Gazette: Waste-to-Energy Can Help with Waste Crisis

In an opinion piece for the Montreal Gazette, one of the largest papers in Montreal by circulation, the paper argues that municipalities should consider waste-to-energy as a more efficient method of dealing with waste. With increasing consumption and the straining of recycling systems, waste-to-energy is capable of dealing with new materials. The article comes as a result of Montreal soliciting innovative solutions for the increase in single-use plastics and to solve the strain on existing facilities. The Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal represents 82 municipalities in the region and has held public hearings to improve waste management practices. Rather than push for new or nonexistent technology, the municipalities should instead look to WTE plants, citing Sweden as a model for management and waste as a source of revenue. Alongside recycling programs, Montreal can make meaningful progress towards zero-waste.

Read the Article: https://montrealgazette.com/opinion/columnists/allison-hanes-could-montreal-turn-trash-to-treasure

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