Covanta Energy Announces Concession Agreement to Build New WTE Facility in Zhao County, China

Covanta signed a concession agreement with Zhao County, China, for the construction and operation of a new WTE facility for the county and nearby jurisdictions about 200 miles south of Beijing. Covanta will partner with a local organization on the project. The plant signals Covanta’s return to China. The concession agreement guarantees waste supply for 30 years and will process 1,200 tons daily with potential for expansion. The cost is expected to be around $100 million. Construction is expected to begin by the end of 2020 and operations to start by 2023. China has a plan for using 600,000 daily tons for WTE by 2020, which would double the capacity at the end of 2015. China has over 200 new WTE facilities planned over the next 11 years.

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