Please respond to to the UNECE survey

Those who care for sustainable waste management, please respond to to the UNECE survey (link below): In 2020 the UNECE secretariat prepared Guidelines on Promoting People-first Public-Private Partnerships Waste-to-Energy Projects for the Circular Economy | UNECE (the Guidelines), which at the request of member [...]

2021-09-27T11:06:38-04:00September 27th, 2021|2021, News|

“You can even make diamonds out of residual Waste”

"Detailed response of Prof. Peter Quicker (WtERT-Germany) in Waste Management World to questions whether urban wastes can be "gasified" instead of "combusted". Professor Quicker, we regularly hear it promised that gasification processes could replace classic waste incineration and become the next [...]

Significant impact of landfilling on climate change, in State of the Planet of Columbia University, by Prof. Themelis

The U.S. Should Phase Out Landfilling, as China and the E.U. Are Doing View the original news from this hyperlink. by Nickolas J. Themelis |May 5, 2021 Around the world, economic development has been accompanied by the generation of about 2 [...]

2021-05-07T14:30:56-04:00May 7th, 2021|2021, News|

WTE in Istanbul

On September 26, 2018, Prof. Themelis of GWC made a presentation to UN-visiting 1st  Lady of Turkey and to Minister of the Environment, Prof. Birpinar, regarding the potential and benefits of WTE, for Turkey. The good news is that a one-million ton [...]

2021-03-29T10:57:14-04:00March 29th, 2021|2021, News|

Bollinger Calls on Biden to End the Trump Administration’s Assault on the International Exchange of Ideas

Prof. Nickolas Themelis and the Earth Engineering Center at Columbia University, founder of the Global WtERT Council, are proud of our many foreign alumni trained in sustainable waste management. Among the self-destructive regulations implemented by the outgoing US administration, there were seven [...]

2020-12-07T11:33:20-05:00December 7th, 2020|2020, News|
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