Critical role of waste management industry to combatting climate change

Waste sector critical to combat climate change What role does the waste and resources management sector play in driving actions to achieve net zero? From HELENA NAGELER-PETRITZ First published: 05 November 2021 Click here to see news: [...]

2021-11-09T11:40:01-05:00November 9th, 2021|2021, News|

Paper by Prof. Psomopoulos of University of Western Attica and other WtERT-Greece members on the significance of WTE in Europe

The role of energy recovery from wastes in the decarbonization efforts of the EU power sector Constantinos S. Psomopoulos, Kyriaki Kiskira, Konstantinos Kalkanis, Helen C. Leligou, Nickolas J. Themelis First published: 26 October 2021 Click here to see publication: Abstract: [...]

2021-11-06T15:32:49-04:00October 31st, 2021|2021, News|

Please respond to to the UNECE survey

Those who care for sustainable waste management, please respond to to the UNECE survey (link below): In 2020 the UNECE secretariat prepared Guidelines on Promoting People-first Public-Private Partnerships Waste-to-Energy Projects for the Circular Economy | UNECE (the Guidelines), which at the request of member [...]

2021-09-27T11:06:38-04:00September 27th, 2021|2021, News|

“You can even make diamonds out of residual Waste”

"Detailed response of Prof. Peter Quicker (WtERT-Germany) in Waste Management World to questions whether urban wastes can be "gasified" instead of "combusted". Professor Quicker, we regularly hear it promised that gasification processes could replace classic waste incineration and become the next [...]

Significant impact of landfilling on climate change, in State of the Planet of Columbia University, by Prof. Themelis

The U.S. Should Phase Out Landfilling, as China and the E.U. Are Doing View the original news from this hyperlink. by Nickolas J. Themelis |May 5, 2021 Around the world, economic development has been accompanied by the generation of about 2 [...]

2021-05-07T14:30:56-04:00May 7th, 2021|2021, News|
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