Interview of Prof. Nickolas Themelis with NBC reporter working on MSW gasification project

Municipal (MSW) and other solid wastes contain carbon and hydrogen which, when reacted with oxygen. produce heat. This can be done 1) by controlled combustion of the wastes and using the heat of combustion for generating electricity or for heating. 2) [...]

2020-01-25T15:27:39-05:00January 25th, 2020|2020, News|

News from our partners in Chile

WtERT-Chile ( contributed to the report  Rojas M., P. Aldunce, L. Farías, H. González, P. Marquet, J. C. Muñoz, R. Palma-Behnke, A. Stehr y S. Vicuña (editores) (2019). Evidencia científica y cambio climático en Chile: Resumen para tomadores de decisiones. Santiago: Comité Científico COP25; Ministerio de Ciencia, [...]

2020-01-03T17:42:04-05:00January 3rd, 2020|2020, News|

Call for Papers in Special Issue entitled “Advances in Industrial Waste Reduction”

"A call for Papers in Special Issue of Applied Sciences, titled "Advances in Industrial Waste Reduction" by Prof. Psomopoulos of WtERT-Greece". Dear Colleagues, I would like to draw your attention to Special Issue "Advances in Industrial Waste Reduction" to be published in the open-access [...]

2020-01-03T17:36:27-05:00January 3rd, 2020|2020, News|
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