News for GWC management team

Dear members of the GWC international team:

a) Congratulations to Prof. Marco Castaldi (WtERT-US) on two very informative videos produced by his Earth Engineering Center at City College of New York that you may want to link to from your web pages:
EEC|CCNY featured on CUNY TV’s “Study with the Best”
b) Prof. Maria Loizidou of the National Technical University of Athens and member of WtERT-Greece, is chairing a big conference on sustainable waste management at the city of Heraclion of Crete (June 26-29, Heraclion 2019; I know that several of you will be attending this important  event so we will organize a GWC dinner meeting on an evening that does not conflict with the social events of this Conference.
c) Since 1995, I have been directing the research and education activities of the Earth Engineering Center at Columbia University (EEC). This responsibility has now been passed on to Columbia Professor Xi Chen whose research interests are broad, as described in the attached announcement. I will continue as Chair of the Global WtERT Council and senior scientist of EEC at Columbia.
Best regards to all,
Nickolas J. Themelis, Senior Scientist

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