MS Thesis: Marketing Survey of Beneficial Use of Waste-to-Energy Bottom Ash for Civil Engineering Applications
By Ronglong Shen
Advisor: Prof. A.C. (Thanos) Bourtsalas
Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering
Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science
Columbia University
May 10, 2017
Since the demand for crushed stone and construction sand and gravel is much higher than the amount of WTEBA generated, as long as the WTEBA of a facility is proven to be up-to-standard by sampling and testing, WTEBA can be recycled in the form of various construction materials within different areas of the US. Recycling of WTEBA will avoid landfill and also the WTEBA could have value if used for civil construction applications. Also, the recycling of WTEBA instead of landfilling will result in several environmental benefits.