Proceedings of the 7th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference (NAWTEC 7)
May 17-19, 1999, Tampa, Florida, USA
(CD or hard copy can be purchased from ASME Publications)
- Tools for Evaluating Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategies Thorneloe, S.A.; Weitz, K.A.; Barlaz, M.A.; Ham, R.K.
- Mercury Pollution Prevention in Minnesota Moore, E.R.; Gilkeson, J.R.; Swain, E.B.
- Incineration as a Methan Abatement Option – Using Incineration to Meet the Kyoto Objectives Chandler, A.J.; Sakai, S.; Sawell, S.E.; Thurgood, M.; Vehlow, J.
- Tampa Florida McKay Bay Refuse to Energy Facility Retrofit Project: Open Procurement Process Potentially Saves Millions and Establishes Emission Guarantees Above Air Permit Thresholds Rosania, S.M.
- Generation of Electric Power and Thermal Energy from Contaminated Biomass Integrated with Stringent Environmental Pollution Control Graf, R.E.; Feldmann, M.; Ellison, B.
- Mercury Control Using Sorbalime at American Ref-fuel’s Niagara Falls Facility Gesell, G.H.; Licata, A.
- High Temperature Filtration Media in Incineration Griffin, J.W.
- Retrofit of a WTE Facility with SCR for NO and PCDD/F Control and Na2S4 Injection for Mercury Control Chandler, A.J.; Gallant, J.; Hartenstein, H.
- Beneficial Use and Recycling of Municipal Waste Combustion Residues — A Comprehensive Resource Document Wiles, C.C.
- Treatment of Residues From Air Pollution Control Systems Sawell, S.E.; Hetherington, S.A.; Mitchell, F.C.
- Environmental Testing of Municipal Solid Waste Ash-Amended Asphalt Magee, B.H.; Hahn, J.L.; Jones, C.M.; Murata, G.
- Environmental Liability Associated with Ash Recycling DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick & Gluck
- When the Trash Gets Going, The Going Gets Tough… But the Tough Gets Going Skaggs, C.W.; Davidov, R.B.
- Times’ Up: Managing Contract Renewal Risk Martin, J.H.
- The Use of Environmental Investment Charges for Meeting Debt Service Obligations: the New Jersey Experience Pangallozzi, J.R.
- Waste-To-Energy in the U.S. – 1999 IWSA Update Kiser, J.V.L.; Zannes, M.
- Occupational Hygiene at a Dry Waste Treatment Plant in Finland Tolvanen, O.K.
- OSHA Moves Toward Regulation of Ergonomics Yohay, S.C.
- Combination of MSWC and Coal Fired Power Plant Vehlow, J.; Hunsinger, H.; Kreisz, S.; Seifert, H.
- A Classic Small Incinerator Case: The Rebuild at Levis, Quebec Harberl, A.
- Investigations on the Combustion of Various Waste Fractions Inside a Grate Furnace Hunsinger, H.; Jay, K.; Vehlow, J.; Seifert, H.
- Electrostatic Precipitator Maintenance Process Re-Engineering: Lead & Cadmium exposure control at the Hampton/NASA Steam Plant. Austin, J.S.
- Economic Impacts and Solutions for Waste to Energy Boiler Corrosion Management Joiner, D.A.; Lai, G.Y.
- Pinellas County Resource Recovery Facility Air Pollution Control Retrofit “Update Report” Stasis, R.P.; Larson, R.D.