Proceedings of the 6th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference (NAWTEC 6)
May 11-13, 1998, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
(CD or hard copy can be purchased from ASME Publications)
- Demystifying Ratings: How Flow Control Shocks Credit Quality Martin, J.H.
- The Road to Reuse: York County’s Ash Management Program Vollero, D.E.; Sawyers, D.E.
- Use of MWC Combined Ash for Highway Embankment Application Shieh, C.; Kalajian, E.H.; Cosentino, P.; Egan, J.
- Non-Ferrous Metals Recovery From Municipal Waste Combuster Ash Shelko, A.
- New Developments and Applications of the Steinmiiller Mass Burn Grate System Lux, P.; Hartenstein, H.; Licata, A.
- Industrial Recycling and Alternative Fuel Program Handy, G.C.; Mackmull, S.J.; Johnson, S.V.
- Using Infrared Cameras, Fuzzy Logic and Acoustic Temperature Measurement to Improve Combustion in MWCs Daimer, P.; Schafers, W.; Hartenstein, H.; Licata, A.
- Montenay Recyclable Trash Improvements (RTI) Project Smith, D.; Smith, E.F.
- Electric Industry Restructuring in Massachusetts Wadsworth, J.W.
- An Optimized Concept for Flue Gas Cleaning Downstream of MWCs Using Sodium Tetrasulfide for Mercury Removal Schuttenhelm, W.; Hartenstein, H.; Licata, A.
- The Impact of Air Pollution Control System Design on Municipal Waste Incinerator Emissions Weaver, E.H.; Boehm, E.G.
- Energy Recovery from Automotive Shredder Residue through Co-combustion with Municipal Solid Waste Mark, F.E.; Fisher, M.M.; Smith, K.A
- Experience with FLS-GSA Dry Scrubbing Technology for Waste-to-Energy Applications Olsen, P.B.; Stuard, C.; Hsu, F.E.
- A Study of Radiant Enegery and Gaseous Emission of Infrared Burners Bai, T.; Yeboah, Y.D.; Nie, J.X.; Wang, Z.; Shang, J.
- Communicating Health Risks to the Community from a State-of-the-Art Waste-to-Energy Resource Recovery Facility through Multimedia Environmental Monitoring Programs Rao, R.K.
- Mercury Control Research: Effects of Fly Ash and Flue Gas Parameters on Mercury Speciation Ghorishi, S.B.
- Achieving OSHA VPP “STAR” Status and Its Benefits Lehr, J.; Sammons, J.; Bayer, R.
- The Application of Lime Sorbents in Municipal Waste Combustors Benson, L.; Licata, A.
- Costs related to specific waste streams for a WTE facility Rijpkema, B.; Zeevalkink, J.
- Comparison of Material Flows in Sewage-free and Sewage-generating Flue-Gas Purification Systems of Municipal Waste Incineration Plants Achternbosch, M.; Richers, U.
- Computer simulation of waste combustion in a moving grate furnace as a tool for process optimization and operator training Brem, G.; Van Kessel, L.B.M.
- Performance of the Dry Scrubbing System at Canada’s Most Recent EFW Facility Widico, M.J.; Haberl, A.S.