Proceedings of the Asian-North American Solid Waste Management Conference (ANACON ’98)
– ABSTRACT ONLY December 6-9, 1998, Los Angeles, California, USA(CD or hard copy can be purchased from ASME Publications)
Suspension Firing – The Heart of An Integrated Waste-to-Energy System Sutin, G.L.
Boiler Modification at the Southeast Resource Recovery Facility (SERRF) Luque, J.; Chae, Y.; Schuetzenduebel, W.; Lux, P.
Processes for Treatment of Heavy Metals in Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators Eaton, M.A.
Comparing Open versus In-Vessel Composting Eberhard Gruneklee, C.
Characterizing Construction and Demolition Wastes Beachey, J.E.
Recycling in Michigan – Six Case Histories; State of Michigan – Clean Michigan Community Programs Waffen, T.G.
Spray Dryers for Acid Gas Control of MSW Combustors Weaver, E.H.
Heat Recovery Dry Injection Scrubbers for Acid Gas Control Finnis, P.J.
Mercury and Dioxin Control for Municipal Waste Combustors Licata, A.; Hartenstein, H.
Using Infrared Cameras, Fuzzy Logic and Acoustic Temperature Measurement to Improve Combustion in MWCs Daimer, P.; Schafers, W.; Hartenstein, H.; Licata, A.
Landfill Gas-to-Energy in the United States Gulledge, J.; Cosulich, J.
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from the U.S. Landfill Gas Utilization Projects: Landfills to the Rescue McGuigan, M.J.; Vogt, W.G.; Bredice, D.F.
Medical Waste Disposal (#22) Brown, M.; Vence, T.
The Winnebago County, Wisconsin Story… Papermill Sludge Recycling and Energy Production System Brickner, R.H.; Carroll, T.W.
The MSW Incinerator Plant: A Monitoring Tool for Waste Management Morf, L.
Waste Control in Japan Wakamura, Y.
Waste Management for Developing Countries (#26) Brown, M.; Vence,T.
Current and Future Prospects for Modern Solid Waste Management in the Developing Countries of East Asia Fritz, J.; Gillen, W.
Disposal of Gaseous Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) by High-Temperature Incineration Wong, F.H.W.; Pang, M.K.
Realistic Emissions for Setting Stands for Municipal, Medical and Hazardous Waste Combustion Systems Hasselriis, F.
History of the Forth Lewis Incinerator: Lessons Learned Verzuh, R.M.; Morgan, W.T.; Smith, D.C.
Solid-Waste Management A Guide for Competitive Contracting for Collection Scarlett, L.; Sloan, J.M.
Requests for Proposals for Privatization Eggerth, L.L.
Institutional, Economic, and Human Resource Issues Associated with Solid Waste Services in Latin America Diaz, L.F.
Waste Management in New Zealand Wetherill, T.D.
Solid Waste Management in American Samoa Savage, G.M.; Dworsky, M.
Integrated Solid Waste Management In Hong Kong Hoover, E.T.
Power Project Financing
Cost and Control Advantages of Public Ownership/Private Operations of Solid Waste Processing Facilities Constance Hornig, ESQ.