Proceedings of the 17th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference (NAWTEC 17)
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- Minimizing Emissions from Existing ESP Equipped MWCs Rigo, H.G.; Chandler, A.J.
- Compliance with the New Emissions Guidelines for Existing Municipal Waste Combustion Facilities Bauer, J.P.; Wofford, J.
- Economics and Benefits of Converting from Anhydrous Ammonia to Ammonium Hydroxide for NOx Control at the Commerce Refuse to Energy Facility Smisko, J.; Eaton, M.A.
- Comparison of Air Emissions from Waste Management Facilities Licata, A.; Minott, D.H.
- Upgrading Existing MWCs with ESPs: The Contributions of Combustion Improvement Versus APC Temperature Reduction Hasselriis, F.
- The Application of a Low Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction System for Municipal & Hazardous Waste Combustors Hartenstein, H.; Licata, A.
- Is there a Meaningful Dioxin:Chlorine Link in Commercial Scale System Flue Gases? Rigo, H.G.; Chandler, A.J.; Lanier, W.S.
- Variability of Metals and Dioxins in Stack Emissions Over Five Years: How Much is Contributed by the Waste and How Much by the Technology? Hasselriis, F.
- Control of Air Pollution Emissions from Municipal Waste Combustors Kilgroe, J.D.; Licata, A.
- Waste Separation – Does it Influence Municipal Waste Combustor Emissions? Chandler, A.J.; Rigo, H.G.
- Chlorine vs. Dioxins – Control Methods to Minimize Emissions Santoleri, J.J.
- Recycling of Boiler and Incinerator Ash into Value Added Glass Products Hnat, J.G.; Bartone, L.M.
- Electric Arc Furnace Vitrification: Cooperative Research and Demonstration Trials Conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Mines De Cesare, R.S.; O’Connor, W.K.; Turner, P.C.; Oden, L.L.
- The WES-PHix® Ash Stabilization Process Lyons, M.R.
- Innovations in MWC Ash Management Sawyers, D.E.; Barbagallo, J.C.; Bolton, R.E.
- Mass and Energy Balances of the Thermoselect® Demonstration Plant: Part III Stahlberg, R.; Feuerrlegel, U.; Welsenburger, P.; Stelger, F.
- Effect of Air Distribution on Solid Fuel Bed Combustion Kuo, J.T.; Hsu, W.; Yo, T.
- Pilot Scale Production and Combustion of Liquid Fuels from Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) – Part II Klosky, M.K.
- Environment Protection And Energy Production In The Municipality Of Bolzano’s New Refuse Incineration Plant Cipriani, U.; Pranghofer, G.G.
- Design, Installation and Operation of the Wainwright Regional Waste-To-Energy Authority Combustor Cieslak, J.P.; Ryan, M.T.; Brinckman, G.A.
- Case History of a 240 Ton/Day Resource Recovery Project: Part II, The Pittsfield, Massachusetts, Resource Recovery Facility Clark, L.E.
- Resource Recovery Waste Heat Boiler Upgrade Kuten, P.; Gehring, P.R.; Davis, J.J.
- Camden Resource Recovery Facility Enhancing Environmental Performance with an Emphasis on Recycling Studley, B.C.; Wattis, N.G.
- Impacts of Landfill New Source Performance Standards Vogt, W.G.; McGuigan, M.J.
- Air Emissions at a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Capenter, J.E.; Bidwell, J.N.
- PC Windows Finite Element Modeling of Landfill Gas Flow Mull, S.R.; Lang, R.J.; Vigil, S.A.; Cota, H.
- Status of Landfill Reclamation and its Applicability to Solid Waste Management Guerriero, J.R.
- Emissions of Toxic Release Inventory Listed Chemicals from MSW Landfills and Federal Right to Know Programs Lehman, A.T.
- Montenay Energy Resources of Montgomery County Training Manual Development Stottlemire, J.L.; Lehr, J.
- Performance Testing of the Solid Waste Sorting Plants Chang, N.; Chang, Y.
- Alternate Sources for High Alloy Metallurgy, an Alternative for OEM Parts Norton, J.W.; Brownlee, D.
- A New Approach to Conducting MSW Composition Studies Licata, A.; Licata, L.; Terracciano, L.A.; Hasselriis, F.
- Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in California Strakaluse, G.R.; Carr, N.V.
- Syncom – The Next Step in Modern Massburn Technology Scherrer, R.; Horn, J.
- Disposable Product Design and Recycling Stessel, R.I.
- Producing Ground Scrap Tire Rubber: A Comparison Between Ambient and Cryogenic Technologies Blumenthal, M.H.
- Plasma Arc Melters for Conversion of Waste to Value-Added Products Eddy, T.L.; Raivo, B.D.; Eddy, P.T.; Soelberg, N.R.; Benefiel, B.C.
- The Maine Energy Recovery Company an RDF Success Story Hill, D.E.; Mains, M; Robbins, K.
- Improving RDF Combustion: Case Histories Kubin, P.Z.
- Anatomy of a WTE Retrofit: Start to Finish Castro, D.J.; Hadfield, J.S.
- Retrofit of Air Pollution Control Equipment at the SPSA/Navy Power Plant Clark, M.J.; Sutton, R.W.; Brown, R.L.
- Biosolids Composting in Davenport, Iowa Boyette, R.A.; Williams, T.; Plett, S.
- Reduction of Carbon Monoxide Emissions with Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers Firmin, S.M.; Baturay, A.
- Pre-Processing Technologies to Prepare Solid Waste for Composting Gould, M.
- The Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Solid Wastes Hartung, H.A.
- Adaptation of the Boiler as Calorimeter Method to Two-Stage Municipal Waste Combustors Feindler, K.S.